Raw Almond Joy Bars! 

First Layer:

  1. Whisk all ingredients together and pour into oiled, parchment lined 8 x 8-inch glass pan. Set in refrigerator aside. The bottom layer should be set up (but not completely hard) before adding the next layer.

Second Layer

  • 2 cups of dried, unsweetened, raw coconut
  • 2/3 cup coconut butter, softened
  • 3 tablespoons raw agave nectar
  • 1-2 teaspoons organic almond flavoring (not raw)
  1. Place coconut in medium bowl.
  2. Whisk coconut butter (not the same as coconut oil), agave and almond flavor. Pour over coconut and mix well.
  3. Pat over first layer, top with chopped almonds.
  4. Refrigerate to set.

Third Layer

  • 1/3 cup almonds, coarsely chopped